So I've had this random blog idea for awhile, and now that I'm in the library with some homework staring me in the face, I decided it's a wonderful time to get started. So this is my idea: I've met a lot of people in my life and I've decided that some people are cool. Really really cool. This weekly (hopefully) post will be a shoutout to cool people I currently know. cool huh?
So without any hurt feelings, I decided to start from the most logical point: with the kid that (sometimes) sleeps in the bed across the room from me. (barring a CSI miami marathon)
Mark Princeton Christenson everybody. Behold.
I met Mark over two years ago. It was my first day in the missionary training center, and I had just lugged two hulking suitcases up the stairs when I found him and another guy in my assigned room. We became friends in the MTC and our paths crossed every so often during our two year stay in Italia.
Mark is a stud. People often tend to raise their eyebrow when they find out you're from Utah, but Mark's definitely a stereotype breaker. He's just a guy you cant help but feel good to be around. Mark is the most unpredictably predictable guy I know. Like, you know he's going to watch EVERY episode of CSI if there are 8 in a row, but what surprises you is that you wake up in the morning, and he's actually doing his homework! I dont know how he gets it done, but the man is legit.
Mark also has a growing reputation as being a great cuddler. I gather most of that information from girls (including non-single girls) but I have to concur that Mark has a rather large bosom. And I'm just going to leave it at that.
Mark's a team player and a caring guy. I really appreciate that he's kind of simple too. He's pretty up front about his feelings...and he usually wears them on his sleeve. I dont think I've ever found myself really mad at Mark. He's a quality guy and he doesn't do things that would tear other people down just for his benefit. Mark's an awesome guy to have talks with at 1AM and you're about to go to bed. I hear girls call that "Pillow Talk." He's really devout to things that are important to him. And he like's to eat at Beto's during the wee hours of the morning. Mark Christenson everyone, Mark Christenson.
Designing your life
2 years ago