Tuesday, September 2, 2008


So i'm a little late on the scene, but better late than never right? i'm sitting in the back of my truck at 11PM because we have such lousy wireless connection in our apartment...sweet huh? Today was day 1 of my return to normal college life...and it was, well, easy. i only had one class and it lasted 20 minutes. not too bad huh? I was hanging out in the library afterward reading for my new testament class (aka watching The Office on nbc.com!) and i felt soooo weird. like i was reliving a dream that i loved but everything that I loved about the dream was torn away..and yet I had to keep on dreaming it.
Tomorrow i have 4 hours of class and 5 hours of my FIRST day at my new job...exciting? not so much...ma e cosi la vita, giusto?

a presto,

currently listening to:
"ti scattero una foto" by tiziano ferro