I finally made the greuling (?) trek that unofficially defines one's BYU student-ship...and it was actually an awesome experience. After going out to eat amaaaaaazing Italian food at a little place called Gloria's (ormai famosissimo qui a provo) with Hayli, we reconvened at around 9,30-10,00pm to hike up to the Y to celebrate homecoming week! It was a little cold, but really not bad at all. There was a band just finishing a few numbers as we reached the base, and then we hiked up, took some pictures, and soaked in the view of the utah valley for awhile. That night probably constitutes the pinnacle (pun may or may not be intended...) of one of the BEST weeks I've had out here at school so far. We also had a friday night renegade party. RENEGAAAAAAAADE!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Provo Utah:
Currently Listening to: "Long Way Down" -Guster
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