Friday, July 2, 2010

Things that make me happy #1

Delicious sacrament bread. I feel like usually people submit the cheapest kind they can find to be distributed to the congregation. On those rare Sundays however, when you see a tray full of dense, delicious, you-know-a-grandma-made-this-by-hand bread coming your way-I am filled with joy. As a side note, I once had crackers for the sacrament in Italy. Needless to say quiet reverence was abandoned for loud crunching and awkward attempts to keep it quite. Happy fourth of July weekend!

PS-expect this one to fill the radiowaves verrrry soon. The newest from Kid Cudi. Sounds like he's been listening to 90's Weezer records for this song's inspiration-anyone agree?


alexa said...

So, the EQ president in my ward during Spring made the Sacrament meeting bread every Saturday night. I found myself looking forward to it all week. I can totally sympathize :)

HR White said...

No way!! I'm moving to your ward