Monday, February 20, 2012

All goes onward and outward-nothing collapses

My good friend Walt Whitman penned those words, and they have inspired me on various occasions. Sometimes I look back and think where did these times go?

But life doesn't always have a..hollywood ending...I guess you could say, if you're into puns. And when I start to regret, things like these help me to realize I have had quite a last year. I would have missed so much:

Who knows if I'm on the best path, or where I would've been had I taken another, but I plan on making the most of the one I'm on. Happy President's Day!


Nicole Erin said...

You bet I am honored to be in like every picture. Gosh I miss you! Here's to another year Ross White!

HR White said...

Haha I was thinking the SAME thing after I put up those pics! Woops. I guess we are good friends or something. :)