Thursday, July 12, 2012

M Words

Hey I still have a blog!  I haven't been on here forever, I know, and it's pretty embarrassing.  Also auto correct just notified me that I misspelled the embarrassment is just multiplying.  Anyway I've been sick for AGES and just struggling to make it through the days, but also I've been having so much fun!  My two weeks in Santa Barbara were some of the best memories of 2012 for me so far.  Seriously, I loved hanging out with awesome and inspiring youth, eating daily at the DLG (made famous by Jack Johnson), making tons of new friends with the normal counselors, and making fun of the drama filled lives of the clique-ish counselors.  Weird that so many counselors start acting like they're in high school again when they work with high schoolers.

After each of my weeks, all the girls in my group decided to leave me with a very kind parting message as they said goodbye to me: "Get Married Hamilton!" Thanks guys.  I had never really thought about marriage, but I guess now that you bring it up, maybe I should look into it.  Which leads to the M Words on my mind this week:

Marriage.  Military.  Money.  Medicine.  MOVING.

15 more days of Provo.  Let's party before it's all over.    


Tyler Hedman said...

Marriage, I highly recommend it! ha ha ha