Monday, October 22, 2012

My two cents on today: Giants win in the rain was SWEET. Maybe I'll jump on the bandwagon if it's not too late.

The presidential debates always disappoint me. Do you vote for the flip floppy guy that doesn't seem very honest, or the articulate guy that hasn't enacted a lot of positive change in the past 4 years.

Also Taylor Swift's new album kind of stinks, let's just say it.  Except for...

Also, today I've been thinking about parameters for measuring success in life.  My test didn't go so hot today, and I was pretty bummed since I had worked so hard studying for it.  But obviously there are better ways to measure your life than the wins and losses of temporal things.  This is a bit lengthy, but it's a great read from an LDS professor at the Harvard Business School.    Ok bed time!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Oh people still blog!  That is exciting.  Since my blog skills fell off the planet this last year I wasn't sure if there was something in the water that made everyone a horrible writer or if it was just me.  Yup just me.  Anyway, I live in Arizona!  No pics for now, but there will be some.  Probably two months from now because, remember, I stink at blogging. Anyway, I have actually been in this rather hot state for...5 weeks now?  And by state I mean United State not physiological state of being....that would be totes awkward.  Anyway, I've been running lately, and on the treadmill because it's 100 degrees at nighttime, and I was reminded of something I feel strongly about.  Countdowns suck.  Never count down to something.  When I'm on the treadmill, and look down to see that I've been on for 5 minutes, sometimes I think of my target time (6 minutes) (just kidding) (usually) and I keep looking down to see if I've made it or not.  And it makes every second on that dang treadmill so miserable.  But if I just start people watching the stereotypical gym people or watch tv, the time seems to go a lot faster, and I actually go for more than 6 minutes on that dang treadmill.

Example Number 2: Once upon-a-time I was in the mtc and I tore my acl, and went out to Italy without surgery.  Well as I was traipsing around my first city, Mantova, I started to notice that my knee was hurting really badly.  And it didn't go away.  And at that point I wasn't thinking about the baptisms or stopping people on the street to talk or learning Italian, but about the fact that I couldn't make it two years with my bum knee feeling the way it was.  So I made a countdown to the date of our interviews when I'd talk to Prez and tell him "uhhh my knee isn't working right" and then he'd send me home for surgery and I'd serve the rest of my mission in Iowa.  At least that's how I worked it out in my mind.  And the countdown was supposed to help me get through those very difficult first days/weeks when my knee hurt with every step, I couldn't understand anything people were saying in Italian, and my companion was a real winner.  Welp, I obviously didn't go home, but got transferred to another city where they didn't use bikes, just buses, and everything turned out fine.  But I remember those days of my countdown, when each day felt like an eternity, and as I kept looking down to see how far I'd made it, I didn't notice any real progress.

Well, I didn't mean for this to be so long and circuitous, but sometimes I find myself counting down here in Arizona; counting down until I can visit Provo friends, or counting down until I can make it to our next school break.  But in my experience, counting down is the most miserable of activities.

To finish, a quote that I liked recently from a certain Jim Elliot: "Wherever you are, be all there"   

Thursday, July 12, 2012

M Words

Hey I still have a blog!  I haven't been on here forever, I know, and it's pretty embarrassing.  Also auto correct just notified me that I misspelled the embarrassment is just multiplying.  Anyway I've been sick for AGES and just struggling to make it through the days, but also I've been having so much fun!  My two weeks in Santa Barbara were some of the best memories of 2012 for me so far.  Seriously, I loved hanging out with awesome and inspiring youth, eating daily at the DLG (made famous by Jack Johnson), making tons of new friends with the normal counselors, and making fun of the drama filled lives of the clique-ish counselors.  Weird that so many counselors start acting like they're in high school again when they work with high schoolers.

After each of my weeks, all the girls in my group decided to leave me with a very kind parting message as they said goodbye to me: "Get Married Hamilton!" Thanks guys.  I had never really thought about marriage, but I guess now that you bring it up, maybe I should look into it.  Which leads to the M Words on my mind this week:

Marriage.  Military.  Money.  Medicine.  MOVING.

15 more days of Provo.  Let's party before it's all over.    

Saturday, April 28, 2012

What the new blogger...Guess that shows I haven't been around in awhile. Anyway, I'm home! Or, I dunno, I guess home could really be Provo or California now...or even Arizona in a few months! But yeah, I'm in Roseville. And it's nice and sunny. It's been sort of a boring stay...the parents are in Puerto Rico, and my brother has school and shenanigans with his friends. So it's mostly just me, and my only real responsibility is to walk the dog. Hmm. Remember when you were like 15, and having a super deep CoNvO with your secret crush on instant messenger, and you would ask each other, "where do you picture yourself in 10 years?" Did you ever say, "oh, I dunno, livin' at home, pickin' up dawg crap, stuff like that..." Boy, being 25 rocks! Haha ok, that sounds really demeaning. Honestly life isn't bad, just taking a break between graduation and summer camps before I move off to AZ for med school. I guess it could be worse right?

Anyway, I know it seems like I've given up writing on this thing. That's only partly true. It was one of my informal resolutions this year to restrict my cyber presence, and to focus on trying to have more real life experiences with people. Seems fair enough right? Basically, more random phone calls, less texts, less Facebook, etc. etc. Even though that sounds like a really old man thing to do, it has been refreshing, and I've had some good experiences with it.

 There are times in life when you are kind of down, and God totally throws you a bone. Maybe that's a weird way to say it, but let me illustrate with a story. As I was living in Pordenone, Italy during the last few months of my mission, I was stuck with a difficult companion who hadn't been out long and was getting a little discouraged. One particular day I was exhausted and we were knocking on doors and getting rejected left and right. So we walked toward the next street, and I stopped to lean against a low, metal fence. With my head down, feeling pretty dejected and trying to decide if we should keep going or try something different, I heard someone open a door and walk out on a nearby balcony. My companion was a goofy kid, but occasionally he could be pretty friendly, and shouted out a rushed "buon giorno" to, I assumed, whoever had stepped out on the balcony. I didn't really expect a response, but one came, and I looked up. A middle aged Italian man was on the first floor balcony not 15 feet from us. He smiled and asked us how we were. I wasn't ready yet to get excited, until he asked if we would stop by sometime next week and talk about the church. Whaaaaaaaat?! That had happened a total of zero times to me previously, and here I was, feeling down and leaning against a fence, and God sends a guy out on his balcony to remind me to have faith and keep my head up. (moral of the story: try less hard and lean against fences?)

Ever had an experience like that? I had another one this week. A girl that I've always thought was cute added me on facebook. Stupid right? Of course it is, but for some reason, it helped me to remember to keep my head up and to have faith. So don't forget it! Oh and of course, like every BYU guy does while not in school, I tried to grow a beard for a few days until I remembered, I don't like facial hair.

Monday, February 20, 2012

All goes onward and outward-nothing collapses

My good friend Walt Whitman penned those words, and they have inspired me on various occasions. Sometimes I look back and think where did these times go?

But life doesn't always have a..hollywood ending...I guess you could say, if you're into puns. And when I start to regret, things like these help me to realize I have had quite a last year. I would have missed so much:

Who knows if I'm on the best path, or where I would've been had I taken another, but I plan on making the most of the one I'm on. Happy President's Day!

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I woke up a few days ago thinking about how amazing it must be for a bear when it wakes up from hibernation and gets to eat FOOD again. I would love to experience that. Also every year in Provo around November I start to wish that I could hibernate until March or April when it starts to warm up. (Or sometimes it doesn't warm up 'til July...crazy utah weather)

I just spent the last hour (ok it could've been two hours) listening to Taylor Swift and looking at photography of Italy and it was awesome. Judge away, haters gonna hate!

I need to go baccccckkkkkk.

Happy New Year!