Happy Spring Break!
My first spring break since 2005. Are you kidding me? Well I'm spending it in 70 degree California sunshine and planning a trip to Europe, so I guess it's been worth the wait. Alright so the whole "cinematography" title was my idea over a month ago, when I saw a couple movies in one weekend and I wanted to write about them. Of course now no one cares. But too bad you cant stifle my month-old excitement!!!
Yes judge away! But I really really enjoyed this movie. Here's what you need to know: 1. It is dumb. 2. It has some gross parts. 3. It is completely AWESOME. Go see it with people that like to laugh and have fun and you wont be disappointed. Please do not take it seriously or try to analyze its deeper meaning. I just felt like it was fun and very refreshing because frankly, I've grown tired of the smorgasbord of various zombie apocalypse movies and tv shows that have inundated media outlets the last few years.

Oh yes does this movie boost my indie cred? It has been lacking for 25 years now, so hopefully. (I was super indie in the womb?) And I'm not going to recommend it to everyone. I'm guessing this is a movie people either love or absolutely loathe. I actually loved it. I watched this movie by myself, and I think it is best seen that way. Or maybe with someone that is willing to invest some time into it and give it a chance. It tells the story of Mike Birbiglia, a stand up comedian that I've had the privilege of seeing live, and his struggles with a severe sleep walking condition. This movie probably doesn't make anyone's top ten fav movies list, but you can appreciate that it is well made and honest storytelling.
Have you seen any good movies lately? Please let me know!
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