Hello world!
So occasionally in life, I have what seems to be a good idea, that turns out to actually be pretty lousy. And yes, most of these occasions are actually when I buy clothes. And maybe that's because I don't get very much practice? Buying clothing has never been something I've really enjoyed, unless it's for fancy shirts/ties/suits in Italy. BUT. I actually do kind of like Target clothes shopping. Everything is so cheap; I feel like I am being ridiculous to not buy anything. And since I run/gym sort of often I like to get athletic clothes and on one particular Target experience, I decided to really shake things up and get some gray athletic shorts instead of black ones. I was feeling bold. WORST MISTAKE EVER! It took me a couple weeks of gray short wearing to realize that I looked like I was going to eat Cheetos and write computer code instead of go bench press.
Look at how awkward/uncomfortable he looks in gray shorts! |
This week has been a tough one. It should be easy-livin' summer time, and it is, but sometimes real life hits you, and you realize that you're sort of grown up and have to deal with hard things. My truck's transmission gave out. My computer broke. My health's been eh. And I keep seeing all the dollar signs add up and I start to wonder if Europe wasn't such a good idea, and if med school wasn't such a good idea, etc. etc. etc., and at times the stress sets in thickkkk. But yesterday I realized that we have power over our happiness regardless of extraneous circumstances. I felt like I was walking through a fog while stressing over everything when I got to school yesterday, but then I just tried to talk to random people I met to take my mind off of my worries. The cashier at the food court. The cleaning lady. Ok that's it and that was only 2 but you know what? I think 100's of students walk by those people everyday without stopping to talk for a minute. And it felt REALLY good to talk to them. Now they might have just been ticked that I was trying to talk to them, but whatev. Happy Thursday!
Ross, aren't all of your shorts gray?
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