So, watching the first political debate between McCain and Obama was outright disgusting. I don't even know how to pinpoint what made it so disgusting, but i just remember turning the TV off feeling nauseous; about politics, America, society, you name it. Although i might lean more Republican as far as the issues go, I am finding it hard to root for McCain. Personally, I felt he showed his age and ignorance a lot as he consistently tried to belittle Obama and point out his inexperience. (of course, we could say the same for Obama...he tried to tear down McCain all night by linking him to Bush...but atleast he was clever about it?) Anyway, during this whole mess I keep reflecting on the late Prophet of our church, Gordon B. Hinckley. He died at 97 years of age and every time you heard him speak, you never got the feeling that he was out of touch or "too old for the job." He was a man to be trusted; decisive and endearing. I sometimes dream what life would be like if he was elected president; I can only imagine that he would have ushered in a time of peace and serenity in a world desperately in need. So, during this time of election insanity, I cant help but hum to myself "We thank thee o God for a prophet, who guides us in these latter days."
p.s. goodbye September 2008!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Poly-Sci Religious Hi-Fi
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Well, after a week or so of not writing, here i am trying to jump back in and it's a little tough! Life's been pretty busy lately....well BYU football cracked the top 10 this week after lots of top 10 that's pretty cool. anyway...I finished a book for my new testament class yesterday called Between the Testaments...and it was actually a really good book. It talked all about things from the inter-testamental period; connecting the old and new testaments. I think it's fascinating to realllllly study the bible and understand a little bit better where people are coming from and why they behave the way they do. I know that people tend to think of our religions as adhering solely to our own bible (the Book of Mormon) but the Bible plays such a fundamental part in our religion. It's amazing to be studying it right now and gaining a heightened appreciation for the blessing it is that we have the Bible. It's a book that needs so much studying and explanation though; i can understand how so many people get confused about the bible if they were to just jump into it without knowing anything about the writers or the history of the book. Anyway...time is running out on me...happy sunday!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Post-Mission Reflections
Three years have transpired since i first laid foot on campus as a freshman here at BYU...and can i just say that things have changed so much? My biggest memories of freshman year are probably comparable to many freshman and colleges across America (sans the alcohol): Late night adventures, late night burrito runs, and very VERY few late nights doing homework. And then i made my mind up to go on a religious mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints...the "mormon" church..if you didn't make that connection with my being a student at BYU in UTAH. Yeah, i can't say i really knew what serving a mission entailed, but i really felt like my life had been changed for the better through my membership in the church, my faith in Jesus Christ, and the spiritual foundation it had provided for me. So i filled out the application and got my call to..drum roll please....ITALY! Northern Italy to be exact, where i lived for the last two years. During that time i learned and grew in ways that i never had before. I developed a love of service and a love of people in general (with a special soft spot for italians!). I discovered a reality that is so lacking in our modern society...society that is in love with the immaginary...with the immaterial. I could write for hours about all that transpired during my italian escapades, but i'll save that for a future post. Since i've been back, however, life has been starkly different than the faint memory that still lingers of freshman year. The 4AM adventures are all but unexistant, i have a job...and i'm currently writing from the campus library. 'Nuff said?
Can i just say that it feels so good? i know it's not the typical college experience...but in the end, that's not what really brings happiness anyway. The 4AM excitement was so fleeting, and so outweighed by the tiredness, sickness induced by lack of sleep, and the less than stellar test results. It feels so weird to be a different person...but i'm talmente grato for the situation in which i find myself...and the times when i sit back from my 500 pages of humanities reading, and realize,
I'm happy.
currently listening to: "Breath of Heaven" by Amy Grant (never to early for Xmas)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
BYU to the BCS!

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Country Twang
Being back to college out in utah has re-awakened me to a slightly discomforting fact...for me at least: gorgeous girls listen to/love country music. To set the record straight, i am a fan of good music in many different forms, but good ol' down south country music has always been hard for me to enjoy. Last week i sat in my room and tried to force feed myself country music for over an hour, hoping that some miracle would instill in me a love for horses and boots and pick up trucks...and consequently open up to me a whole new range of rediculously good looking 100% american girls to associate with. Yeah, no such luck. So far i just cant choke it down. BUT! If it earns me ANY points...can i just say that Josh Rouse has grown on me times a billion lately? If that counts as country music, and if all country music was THAT good, i'd be a huge fan. Josh Rouse everybody, Josh Rouse.
currently listening to: "Carolina" by Josh Rouse
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
So i'm a little late on the scene, but better late than never right? i'm sitting in the back of my truck at 11PM because we have such lousy wireless connection in our apartment...sweet huh? Today was day 1 of my return to normal college life...and it was, well, easy. i only had one class and it lasted 20 minutes. not too bad huh? I was hanging out in the library afterward reading for my new testament class (aka watching The Office on!) and i felt soooo weird. like i was reliving a dream that i loved but everything that I loved about the dream was torn away..and yet I had to keep on dreaming it.
Tomorrow i have 4 hours of class and 5 hours of my FIRST day at my new job...exciting? not so e cosi la vita, giusto?
a presto,
currently listening to:
"ti scattero una foto" by tiziano ferro