Sunday, September 28, 2008


Well, after a week or so of not writing, here i am trying to jump back in and it's a little tough! Life's been pretty busy lately....well BYU football cracked the top 10 this week after lots of top 10 that's pretty cool. anyway...I finished a book for my new testament class yesterday called Between the Testaments...and it was actually a really good book. It talked all about things from the inter-testamental period; connecting the old and new testaments. I think it's fascinating to realllllly study the bible and understand a little bit better where people are coming from and why they behave the way they do. I know that people tend to think of our religions as adhering solely to our own bible (the Book of Mormon) but the Bible plays such a fundamental part in our religion. It's amazing to be studying it right now and gaining a heightened appreciation for the blessing it is that we have the Bible. It's a book that needs so much studying and explanation though; i can understand how so many people get confused about the bible if they were to just jump into it without knowing anything about the writers or the history of the book. Anyway...time is running out on me...happy sunday!