Monday, October 27, 2008

back to basics

Yesterday We went to the MTC with a big group of girls from our ward to make calls at the referral center. It was an awesome experience not only for them, but for me as well! I remember being a little nervous to make calls before the mission, but this time I was much more comfortable and talked to a lot of cool people. I spoke with one lady from texas who was calling for a free "Lamb of God" video for her 19 yr old daughter. I could feel the love she had for her daughter as she talked of wanting her to see it so that she might find more direction in her life.

I've noticed a lot lately that so so so many people lack direction and grounding in their lives. Choices they've made, or haven't made, have been influenced by what many consider "the norm" in today's society. To me it's a little sad, but helps me to be grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ that has provided a solid basis for my own life. I often dont have to worry about what kind of decisions I will make or where my life will end up because I already know the answer to a lot of those future questions; I know who I am in the eternal perspective of things. And it's been such a blessing in my life.