Saturday, July 2, 2011


Happy 2nd of July! I can't believe it's already July, and that I'm almost halfway done with EFY. Shoot. I'm just sitting in my old apartment now, (I'm displaced until efy starts again tomorrow!) and working on my application to UC Davis! These applications get old. I guess staying here in Provo without a job/career path would get even more old though, huh?

Can I just say that for as much as I couldn't stand listening to corny EFY music as a missionary, I really like this song. Granted, it would probably sit more comfortably on an Adele B-side album than an EFY soundtrack. We got to see the original singer perform it live, and it was great.

This last week I felt so blessed. There was an AWESOME girl at efy this week, that happened to be from my hometown, who suffers from Conversion Disorder: basically she passes out randomly, and has to be revived by a "femoral artery rub"-which basically means you have to dig into their upper-inner thigh. I don't know all of the physiology behind how it works, but I was a little nervous all week about her passing out. Welp, she passed out twice this week. The first time happened on my morning off, and my awesome co-counselor Marissa brought her back that time. The 2nd time, I was in the next room over. When I got there, Marissa was trying to bring her back but she wasn't coming around after about a minute, so she asked if I wanted to try. I'd practiced the femoral artery rub approximately 0 times previously, because it turns out that rubbing someone's crotch who is not passed-out is not only extremely awkward, but could also be viewed as some sort of dodgy, illegal behavior. Anyway, I reached to where my best guess of the femoral artery would be and started rubbing, and in about 3 seconds she was back, and she just started sobbing; a mixture of embarrassment and frustration.

There are so many times in my life where I feel like I get blessings I don't deserve, and this was one of those times. I had no reason to be successful, but for some reason I was able to help this girl, and I felt a love for her in a way that our Savior must feel for us every day. That feeling I had to be able to heal is comparable only to the feeling I had to bring people into the church as a missionary in Italy. And I'm full of gratitude and humility, because I am so undeserving.

On a lighter note, this is what google offered up when I typed in "awkward" to make sure I spelled it right:

I lol'd. They are probably from Utah.


Mindy said...

I will choose not to be offended by that utah statement.

HR White said...

From Utah in a good way